Ovaj dodatak nije testiran s najnovija 3 glavna izdanja WordPress-a. Možda se više ne održava ili se ne podržava i može imati problema sa kompatibilnošću kada se koristi sa novijim verzijama WordPress-a.

About Me Image Widget by Angie Makes


  1. Uzip the about-me-image-widget.zip folder.
  2. Upload the about-me-image-widget folder to your /wp-content/plugins directory.
  3. In your WordPress dashboard, head over to the Plugins section.
  4. Activate About Me Image Widget.


Installation Instructions
  1. Uzip the about-me-image-widget.zip folder.
  2. Upload the about-me-image-widget folder to your /wp-content/plugins directory.
  3. In your WordPress dashboard, head over to the Plugins section.
  4. Activate About Me Image Widget.


Nema recenzija za ovaj dodatak.

Saradnici i programeri

“About Me Image Widget by Angie Makes” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Zapis promijena

Version 1.4.3

  • rebranded

Version 1.4.1

  • added label to image input

Version 1.4

  • sanitized, validated, added options

Version 1.1

  • Plugin released. Everything is new!