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ACF Clone Repeater


ACF Pro 5.9 comes with a duplicate row feature on its own.
ACF Clone Repeater and Layout Fields in ACF Pro.

Supports all ACF Native fields.


Please head over to the source code on Github.

Slike ekrana

  • Repeater Field with Clone feature enabled.
  • Repeater Field with Clone feature enabled with Expanded.


Just follow the Automatic Plugin Installation procedere.


I found a bug. Where should I post it?

Please use the issues section in the GitHub-Repository.

I will most likely not maintain the forum support forum on wordpress.org. Anyway, other users might have an answer for you, so it's worth a shot.

I'd like to suggest a feature. Where should I post it?

Please post an issue in the GitHub-Repository


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Saradnici i programeri

“ACF Clone Repeater” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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