Admin Taxonomy Filter


Admin Taxonomy Filter helps you to filter posts or custom post types in the admin area (the post list table) by custom taxonomies. It's similar to filter posts by categories, which is supported by default.

The plugin supports filter by multiple taxonomies and has settings to let you choose which taxonomies are filterable.

The plugin is open source and hosted on Github. If you have any problem or feedback, please open an issue.

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Slike ekrana

  • Settings
  • Filters in action


  • Go to Plugins | Add New and search for Admin Taxonomy Filter
  • Click Install Now button to install the plugin
  • After installing, click Activate Plugin to activate the plugin

After installing, go to Settings | Taxonomy Filter and select the taxonomies you want to filter for each custom post type.

Then go to the all posts screen to see the filter above the table.


23. Maja 2022.
Nothing fancy, but it works as advertised – quite useful. Not sure why the other custom taxonomy vendors can't include this function, but kudos to these guys…
20. Februara 2021.
This is useful especially who don't want to pay for Admin Columns Pro which is the only plugin can do the same thing other than this.
11. Augusta 2020.
Please don't stop updating this plugin. Thanks, make it a paid one if you have to, but this plugin is filling a real lack of functionality in the Wordpress admin.
7. Augusta 2020. 1 reply
I want to love this plugin, but it appears to broken in WP 5.4 – bummer UPDATE: Just played around a little – it appears to break things when “All Categories” or “All Tags” is selected – seems to work when some filter is set. Haven't run through every use case but seems related to that?
26. Februara 2020.
The plugin is working great. Four stars, because no language file is provided and it must be created manually.
Read all 14 reviews

Saradnici i programeri

“Admin Taxonomy Filter” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Zapis promijena


  • Fix deprecated notice in PHP 8.1


  • Update compatibility with the latest version of WordPress


  • Update compatibility tags


  • Update compatibility with the latest version of WordPress


  • First version