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Advanced Rich Text Tools for Gutenberg


This plugin adds the following functionality:

  • Code code, subscript sub, and superscript sup buttons to the formatting toolbar.
  • Inline text and background colour panel (found inside the block sidebar for now).
  • Remove formatting button (found inside the block sidebar for now).

Slike ekrana


15. Aprila 2020.
Despite being the leading plugin for adding Subscript and Superscript to the Gutenberg editor, most of its UI has not be coded in a way to allow translation. A fix has been sent by a member of the community more than a year ago, unfortunately it has not been included by the developer. As it is, this plugin is only of interest to english speaking users.
26. Januara 2020.
Must be integrated into Gutenberg! It also works well with Central Color Palette plugin.
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Saradnici i programeri

“Advanced Rich Text Tools for Gutenberg” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Advanced Rich Text Tools for Gutenberg” je prijeveden na 10 dijalekata. Zahvala prevodiocima za njihov doprinos.

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