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Ashique Reel Slider


A reel type scrolling post feature image slider. Which will flow right to left infinity type like html marque by shortcode.

The shortcode is: [show_ashique_reel_slider]

You can get settings, from admin main menu settings -> Wp reel slider.

From settings, you can set how many post's image you want to show.

More from settings, you can set post's title will be shown beneath your post image or not.

You can set image size, right now you will be able set two types of size: medium or thumbnail.

You can set which post type's image will be shown in slider.

How to use video: https://youtu.be/JKWlbNArAMA

Slike ekrana

  • this is screenshot 1
  • this is screenshot 2


10. Novembra 2022.
This is a very nice plugin and works as expected. In next version, author can add the “Show/Hide Excerpt” with read more link and excerpt word limit control from the dashboard. Thanks in advance
Read all 1 review

Saradnici i programeri

“Ashique Reel Slider” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Zapis promijena


  • Initial release