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Big Boom Alert Bar


The alert is quickly styled and placed on your site, and easily closed by your site visitors should they choose to dismiss it.

Stilsko oblikovanje

You can customize the look of your alert message in a few ways.

  • Use a simple color picker to select text and background colors for the message (no coding necessary)
  • Add additional CSS in the plugin options if needed


You can specify where the alert should go within your site layout in a few different ways.

  • Use any unique CSS-style selector (e.g. #my-div) to choose where to insert the message, or leave this blank to insert at the top of your site's body
  • Choose to insert the alert message either before or after your chosen page element (default is before)
  • Use the shortcode [albar_alert] to insert the message anywhere within the content of any page or post


The plugin gives you several choices as to which screens should show your message.

  • Show on all pages
  • Show on the home page (whether it be a page or your recent posts)
  • Show for only certain page/post ID's


  • Go To Plugins >> Add New
  • Either search for “Big Boom” or Upload the .zip file downloaded here.
  • Once installed, go to the Settings > Alert Bar admin menu item and choose your settings.
  • You can use the plugin settings to determine which pages the alerts show, or you can use the shortcode [albar_alert] within a page or post.


2. Februara 2022. 1 reply
This is just what I was looking for and more. Our theme already has a Top Bar with special content that I don't want the client accidentally messing up. This plugin enables me to make a second top bar that I can put before or after any element I want, with a separate admin area for the client to enter inclement weather updates or turn it off. I paired this with a menu editor and put this plugin at the top of the admin menu with a megaphone, then added some CSS to always center it so that they only have to update a small line of text. It works perfectly with WP 5.9, thank you.
26. Septembra 2017.
I needed to post an alert on every page on a site and this was very simple – and I love the ‘close’ button so the user can get rid of it.
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“Big Boom Alert Bar” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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