Block-Enabled plugins
Dodaci koji nude blokove za blok-bazirane uređivače.
Photo Gallery by Ays – Responsive Image Gallery
(14 ukupno ocjena)Photo Gallery is a cool responsive image gallery plugin with beautiful views
Video Gallery – Api Gallery, YouTube and Vimeo, Link Gallery
(8 ukupno ocjena)Vimeo Video Gallery, Youtube Video Gallery. Video Gallery Plugin allows you to Create YouTube Gallery & Create Vimeo Gallery.
Testimonial – Customer Feedback, Client Testimonial, Review
(4 ukupno ocjena)Easy to use and irresistible! This WordPress testimonial plugin helped us create a stunning customer testimonials slider effortlessly.
(0 ukupno ocjena)Omnipress is a ready-made WordPress Design Blocks, similar to the Gutenberg WordPress block editor, that takes a holistic approach to changing your co …
Event Monster – Event Management, Tickets Booking, Upcoming Event
(19 ukupno ocjena)Event Mangement Plugin, Create Events, Manage Bookings, Manage Tickets, Sponsors, Beautiful Designed Interface, Calendar, Booking, Tickets
Easy Form by AYS – Form Builder Plugin for WordPress
(4 ukupno ocjena)The best WordPress form builder plugin. Create contact forms, subscription forms, payment forms, or any custom forms in minutes.
Gutenberg Blocks – YouTube, Vimeo, OpenStreetMap, Countdown Timer, OpenAI – FireBlocks
(2 ukupno ocjena)Enhance your WordPress site with powerful Gutenberg Blocks for OpenStreetMap, YouTube, Vimeo, OpenStreetMap, Countdown, Notification, and more.
FAQ Builder AYS
(1 ukupno ocjena)Create FAQs and accordions for your WP website without effort with FAQ Builder. Has Gutenberg Block, responsive design, 20+ style options, etc.