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Bulk images optimizer: Resize, optimize, convert to webp, rename …



Ovaj dodatak je zatvoren od 16. Oktobra 2024. i nije dostupan za preuzimanje. Razlog: Sigurnosna stavka.


13. Septembra 2024. 1 reply
Underestimated plugin
21. Februara 2024. 1 reply
It just works, without too many bells and whistles.
28. Decembra 2023. 1 reply
This is a really elegant plugin, and the fact that it's currently free is frankly amazing. People have paid good money for far fewer features and harder to use interfaces. I love that you see .webp at the end of your images in the Media Folder! One thing for users to watch out for: if you have xyz.png and xyz.jpg on your page and you use this plugin without renaming your files, you'll end up with two xyz.webp files with different image attachment numbers, which (at least in my case) confuses the server. Any issues I've had so far have been cache issues that were resolved with a thorough purging of all possible caches: CDN, JS/CSS minify, page, Object, Redis, browser, toilet, garbage can, trash compactor, etc.
27. Novembra 2023. 1 reply
Simple to use, and I converted jpgs and pngs to small webps. Over 1,000 of them, replacing the names, too. All good, all so excellent. Thank you.
Read all 16 reviews

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