ToolKit for ThemeCentury themes and demo content importer for themes.
This plugin will create a page in APPEARANCE > Import Demo Content.
If you are not using our(themecentury's) official theme, then you will be presented with three file upload inputs.
From your WordPress dashboard
- Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’,
- Search for ‘Century ToolKit’ and install the plugin.
- Activate ‘Century ToolKit’ from your Plugins page.
Once the plugin is activated you will find the actual import page in Appearance -> Import Demo Content.
I have activated the plugin. Where is the “Import Demo Data” page?
You will find the import page in wp-admin -> Appearance -> Import Demo Data.
Where are the demo import files saved?
If you are using our official theme then no need to worry about demo content, just click on demo import button, it'll work automatically.
Nema recenzija za ovaj dodatak.
Saradnici i programeri
“Century ToolKit” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
Doprinositelji“Century ToolKit” je prijeveden na 1 dijalekt. Zahvala prevodiocima za njihov doprinos.
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Pregledajte kôd, pogledajte SVN spremišteili se pretplatite na dnevnik razvoja od RSS.
Zapis promijena
1.2.0 – 2020/02/07
- Updated: Fixing issue of plugin activation
1.1.0 – 2020/02/05
- Updated: Century ToolKit Updated
1.0.6 – 2019/09/23
- Updated: HamroClass Demo Update
1.0.5 – 2019/09/23
- Updated: Lekh Demo Updated
- Updated: Newspaper Lite and Plus Demo updated
1.0.4 – 2019/08/22
- Added: RTL demo updated
1.0.3 – 2019/08/15
- Added: demo updated
- Added: Free and Pro demo options added
1.0.2 – 2019/03/24
- Added: Importer for Lekh theme
1.0.1 – 2019/03/22
- Fixed: Widget and customizer importer
1.0.0 – 2019/03/08
- Initial Release