Ovaj dodatak nije testiran s najnovija 3 glavna izdanja WordPress-a. Možda se više ne održava ili se ne podržava i može imati problema sa kompatibilnošću kada se koristi sa novijim verzijama WordPress-a.



Shortcode to generate CoverManager Booking engine IFrame

  • Restaurant reservation
  • White label
  • Ticket selling
  • Cancellation policy



covermanager restaurant=”casa-carlos”

covermanager restaurant=”casa-carlos” language=”english”

covermanager restaurant=”casa-carlos” language=”english” template=”trans-black” width=”100%” height=”600px”

Shortcode Options

  • restaurant: restaurant name, nombre del restauante
  • language: booking engine language, lenguaje del motor (spanish, english, catalán, french)
  • template: template for the engine, trans-white, trans-black
  • height: height
  • width: width

Slike ekrana

  • Main booking engine
  • Second step booking
  • Cancellation policy
  • Ticket selling bookings
  • Credit card payments


  1. Unzip the archive of the plugin or download it from the [official WordPress plugin repository](https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/covermanager/ “CoverManager”)
  2. Upload the folder ‘covermanager’ to the WordPress plugin directory (../wp-content/plugins/)
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Configure it as you like


Installation Instructions
  1. Unzip the archive of the plugin or download it from the [official WordPress plugin repository](https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/covermanager/ “CoverManager”)
  2. Upload the folder ‘covermanager’ to the WordPress plugin directory (../wp-content/plugins/)
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Configure it as you like


Nema recenzija za ovaj dodatak.

Saradnici i programeri

“CoverManager” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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