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Gallery Image Content Post


This plugin will auto add a gallery image or single image lightbox in singular template. Auto for all. You just need installation it.

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Outstanding Features:

  • Poboljšani dizajn
  • Ajax load image to view large image
  • Support all post type
  • Zoom effect gallery (lightbox)
  • Easy switch image gallery to single image light box

To using it in your blog, see the installation instructions


Support is handled in the WordPress forums. Please note that support is limited and does not cover any custom implementation of the plugin.

Slike ekrana

  • Options page
  • You need configuration images in your editor to use this plugin
  • Lightbox gallery
  • Single image lightbox


  1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Aktivirajte plugin koristeći WordPressov meni ‘Plugini’
  3. Go to Settings > Gallery Image Content for configuration.
  4. Configuration images in your editor, See “You need configuration images in your editor to use this plugin” in Screenshots
  5. Everything automatic. Refresh your content post and click to image for enjoy it.


Configuration to use it

You need configuration in your editor, all images link to URL this image full or large image. See “You need configuration images in your editor to use this plugin” in Screenshots

How to changing the CSS?

If you need to configure the CSS of this plugin, you can copy the gallery-image-content.css file from the plugin directory to your theme's directory and make your modifications there.

Also, you can override the CSS of this plugin in other CSS file.

Do it, you won't lose your changes when you update this plugin.


3. Septembra 2016.
I had been trying to find a lightbox that easily let me choose to show only the image clicked and would return to the page when clicked anywhere on the screen while the lightbox was displaying the image. This not only does exactly that, but it only has three options, making it brain-dead easy to use! 1. Display only clicked image or display and click-through all images on post/page. 2. Zoom in/out effect when rendering lightbox, or instantly display lightbox. 3. Display title of image in lightbox or not. Totally worth 5-stars. Thank you! Simple specific-purpose plugins like this are getting harder to find. This one's definitely a keeper.
Read all 2 reviews

Saradnici i programeri

“Gallery Image Content Post” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Zapis promijena


  • Improvement: Change colors actions when active plugin


  • Fixed: Some bug for Front-end


  • Just release 1.0