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Go Redirects URL Forwarder


Go Redirects is a URL forwarder plugin for WordPress that enables URLs like http://mysite.com/go/far-far-away/ to forward to URLs like http://someothersite.com/. It's a great way to create clean-looking affiliate links or provide permement links for remote URLs that may change over time. It includes analytics for the number of times a URL has been forwarded.

Slike ekrana

  • The redirect edit screen.
  • List of redirects.


  • WordPress Plugins Directory: Navigate to Plugins Add New in the WordPress admin and search “Go Redirects.” Click Install and then Activate.
  • Zip Upload: Navigate to Plugins Add New Upload Plugin in the WordPress admin. Browse to the .zip file containing the plugin on your computer and upload, then activate.
  • Manual FTP Upload: Upload the plugin folder to /wp-content/plugins/. Navigate to Plugins in the WordPress admin and activate.


I'm getting 404 errors when I try to visit my redirects. What do I do?

Go to Settings Permalinks and resave your permalink settings.

Can I change the redirects base URL slug from `/go/` to something else?

There is no setting to do so at this time.


13. Jula 2020.
I want exactly what this plug-in does, but without the /go/ subdirectory. It defeats my purpose … I put out a newsletter and it has a bad URL published in it. I simply want to have that ‘bad’ url, if clicked to take it to the good URL … which neither use the /go/subdirectory.
27. Augusta 2019.
Does exactly what it says on the tin. I'm amazed more people aren't using this. You can use it to mask referral and affiliate links, or just simply use it to save editing links across many pages on your website.
Read all 4 reviews

Saradnici i programeri

“Go Redirects URL Forwarder” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Zapis promijena


  • Fixed issue with “copy to clipboard” button


  • Minor changes


  • Minor changes