Ovaj dodatak nije testiran s najnovija 3 glavna izdanja WordPress-a. Možda se više ne održava ili se ne podržava i može imati problema sa kompatibilnošću kada se koristi sa novijim verzijama WordPress-a.

Holiday Notifications


The Holiday Notifications plugin allows you to easily set announcements for your website to let your customers know of upcoming holidays, events, and promotions.
The Holiday Notification is set to display once per day for each visitor to your website.

Slike ekrana

  • Admin dashboard listing.
  • Add/Edit holiday notification screen.
  • Frontend in action notification popup.


From your WordPress dashboard

  1. Visit Plugins > Add New
  2. Search for “Holiday Notifications”
  3. Install and Activate Holiday Notifications from your Plugins page
  4. Click on the new menu item “Holiday Notifications” and create your first notification!


Nema recenzija za ovaj dodatak.

Saradnici i programeri

“Holiday Notifications” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Zapis promijena

1.0.0 – 2023-23-03

  • Initial Public Beta Release