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LMC XML Reader


LMC XML Reader plugin adds widget with a shortcode, which can be inserted in pages, posts or template files.

Main features and notes:

  • Loads external XML file from URL and displays the content/data
  • Supported XML formats: LMC.cz, Jobs.cz, Prace.cz, Teamio.com

Version History

  • 2017-11-06: Version 1.1

    • Design polish, Related company filter support
  • 2017-08-18: Version 1.0

    • Multiple XML feeds support, Region & Section filter support
  • 2016-04-09: Version 0.9

    • Initial release

Slike ekrana

  • Admin widget configuration
  • Display in a page as a shortcode


  1. Unzip and upload the lmc-xml-reader directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Go to WP Admin » Plugins and activate the ‘LMC XML Reader’ plugin
  3. Go to WP Admin » Appearance » Widgets and place the LMC XML Reader widget or move it to Inactive widgets
  4. (optional) If in Inactive widgets, copy & paste the shortcode wherever you want.
  5. (optional) Edit your shortcode and add parameter related="Your Company Name" (i.e. [lmc-xml id="wp_widget_lmcxmlreader" related="JVS GROUP s.r.o."]. It will display only positions related to the defined company.


No questions yet. Feel free to contact me at josef.stepanek@gmail.com

Installation Instructions
  1. Unzip and upload the lmc-xml-reader directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Go to WP Admin » Plugins and activate the ‘LMC XML Reader’ plugin
  3. Go to WP Admin » Appearance » Widgets and place the LMC XML Reader widget or move it to Inactive widgets
  4. (optional) If in Inactive widgets, copy & paste the shortcode wherever you want.
  5. (optional) Edit your shortcode and add parameter related="Your Company Name" (i.e. [lmc-xml id="wp_widget_lmcxmlreader" related="JVS GROUP s.r.o."]. It will display only positions related to the defined company.


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Saradnici i programeri

“LMC XML Reader” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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