

Ovaj dodatak je zatvoren od 18. Decembra 2024. i nije dostupan za preuzimanje. Ovo zatvaranje je trajno. Razlog: Zahtjev autora.


14. Septembra 2017.
This plugin can be very useful, I used it to implement a “View desktop version” so thanks for your work! 🙂
21. Januara 2017. 1 reply
hey scott, just wanted to drop by and to say thank you! for the time and effort that went into creating and maintaining this plugin. I use it in any project and it made my life a lot easier
Read all 44 reviews

Saradnici i programeri

“mobble” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“mobble” je prijeveden na 2 dijalekta. Zahvala prevodiocima za njihov doprinos.

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