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PopBox For Elementor


PopBox for Elementor allows the creation of beautiful templates with Elementor Page Builder for use with the included Popbox overlay script.

An Admin menu will be added on your WordPress Dashboard sidepane named PopBoxes. This is the custom post type (CPT) you'll use to create the content of the PopBoxs.

A custom module will also be added to Elementor Page Builder edit screen to be used for the customization of the trigger button embedded on your page.
Simply select one of the PopBox content created via the CPT to be shown when the trigger button is clicked.

WP Elevation Studio Troy Dean shows us how to use PopBox for Elementor to create easy and stunning popup forms:


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress

Go to settings > permalinks and click save. (you need to do that in order to register the popup post types.)


Installation Instructions
  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress

Go to settings > permalinks and click save. (you need to do that in order to register the popup post types.)


27. Juna 2022.
Breaks site. “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500” for “admin-ajax.php” and causes Elementor to never finish loading when you try to edit a page with elementor.
30. Juna 2019.
(this review is strictly for the video lightbox option) Terrible plugin. Hasn't been updated in over a year and there are so many bugs. For one, if you choose the auto play setting, it auto plays when the website loads, not when you click on the button to make the lightbox pop up. Also, when closing the lightbox, video still plays in the background when it shouldn't be (if on autoplay). Secondly, choosing a thumbnail picture doesn't work. When putting a thumbnail picture on the video, it is overly big and just not accurate. Terrible plugin from a non-committed developer. Please don't make plugins you won't commit to! Or charge money for the plugin so you can be committed to it! What a waste of time.
31. Januara 2019.
Didn't work for me… Errors out on a GA javascript error even though i have it turned off When the button is clicked, it shows a backdrop but no modal content. Its a pity really, this could've really worked
Read all 24 reviews

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“PopBox For Elementor” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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  • FIX: Critical bug where the popup backdrop was being displyed on mobile devices even though the popup was not firing.
  • FIX: Critical bug that caused conflict with Testimonial slider.
  • TWEAK: Adjusted CSS rule that was causing the popup to block certain elements.


  • NEW: Added On Page load popup module – does not fire on mobile devices.
  • NEW: Added a Switch control to load the stop Video propagation script when the popup is closed.
  • EXPERIMENTAL: Track PopBox button click event through Google Analytics – needs testing and feedback.
  • NEW: Regenerated a new pot file easier plugin translation
  • TWEAKS: Minor CSS tweaks


  • FIX: PHP Error of undefined variable $close


  • NEW: Added controls for close button text.
  • TWEAK: Elevated PopBox's z-index when modal is open.
  • TWEAK: Refactored Button style options and moved the border controls into their own settings tab.
  • TWEAK: Button Typography moved to button content options for better arrangements


  • FIX: Double scrollbar on sites running on Astra & OceanWP themes.


  • FIXED: Left window shift when modal is open on some themes – Fixes: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/bug-with-a-moving-button-and-extra-gap/.
  • NEW: Added option to switch close button position.
  • NEW: Added option to increase/decrease close button size.
  • NEW: Added option for close button padding – see ineditor description on limitations.
  • TWEAK: Moved close button color control to the Style tab under Modal content.


  • FIXED: Bug with non Elementor authored content not showing in the PopBox – Fixes: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/not-working-video/


  • FIXED: Issue when video contained in a popup did not stop playing after the closing – See topic: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/videos-in-popups/
  • Code tidyup
  • NEW: Added modal_for_elementor_fail_load() function to handle graceful fallback when Elementor is not active.
  • NEW: Added modal_for_elementor_fail_load_out_of_date() function to handle graceful fallback when Elementor version is out of date – Required version set to v1.8.5.
  • NEW: Background color control for modal content window.
  • NEW: Border and Border radius controls for modal content window.
  • TWEAK: Changed widget category to norewp-elements (NoreWP's Elementor Modules) for better representation and future enhancements.
  • TWEAK: Reorganized Controls for better workflow
  • TWEAK: Modal Max Width control moved to Style > Modal Container for better grouping.
  • TWEAK: Moved button typography to below text padding for better workflow.
  • TWEAK: Removed hardcoded content window box shadow and added Shadow Control for maximum control
  • TWEAK: Minor CSS adjustments
  • Renamed plugin to PopBox For Elementor.


  • Minor bug fixes


  • Plugin initial release