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Oxygen Tutor LMS


This plugin integrates Tutor LMS with the popular Oxygen Page Builder plugin. It adds all the functionalities needed to create a complete WordPress LMS website using Oxygen Builder.

To use this plugin, you must first have all the plugins installed and activated. The required plugins are:
*Tutor LMS (Free/Pro)
*Integration Plugin
*Oxygen Builder

What Oxygen Builder Brings to Tutor LMS

Oxygen builder is a very unique and robust page builder, and you can practically create your custom made theme for an LMS platform. Thus you don't have to rely on other third-party themes and make your website from the ground up exactly the way you want it.

Oxygen Builder provides a plethora of features like the header builder, huge design library, and full responsiveness controls. Moreover, it also comes with a library of pre-made design sets that can be imported directly to create rich webpages. We believe with this integration activated, you can create an amazing platform for your instructors and students alike.

Oxygen Visual Editor

Like all other Oxygen enabled sites, installing Oxygen will strip out all the visuals of your old site. The visuals will now be controlled by Oxygen's templates. Therefore, your theme will basically be useless. You will have to create Oxygen templates to properly show your content in a usable layout.

With this integration plugin enabled, you will see a brand new tab in the editor. This tab labeled “Tutor LMS” contains all the necessary elements needed to build a perfect LMS website. Whether you're a designer or a WordPress developer, it will suit all your needs.
There are two ways of creating a course page, for example:

  • Add a single course template
  • Build your custom design using single course elements

If you add the single course template, you'll be able to edit each of the elements. But you won't be able to change the layout of the course page itself. To do so, you'll need to create a custom course layout with all the necessary elements.

If you're familiar with the Oxygen Builder plugin, creating a new custom layout with custom headers and footers should be a breeze. We've added all the necessary elements needed to create a full Tutor LMS website. We’ve broken down all of Tutor LMS into small elements that you can now use to create a customizable layout for all Tutor LMS pages like course page, quiz page, archive page, and so on.

To read about every aspect of this plugin, please refer to our documentation on the Oxygen Builder integration plugin. You will find all the information on this plugin in our documentation website.


Minimum Requirements

  • PHP version 5.6.0 or greater (PHP 7.1 or greater is recommended)
  • MySQL version 5.0 or greater (MySQL 5.6 or greater is recommended)

Automatic installation

The automatic installation is the easiest way to install any plugin in WordPress. You can perform an automatic installation of Oxygen Tutor LMS by logging in to your WordPress dashboard, navigating to the “Plugins” menu and click on the “Add New” button.

This will open up a page showing all the available plugins in WordPress. In the search field, type Oxygen Tutor LMS. The search result will show you our Oxygen Tutor LMS plugin, you can then see the detailed info by clicking on “More Details” and to install just click on the “Install Now” button.

Manual installation

To install Oxygen Tutor LMS manually, you need to download the plugin and upload it to your webserver via any FTP application.

The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.


Can I use Oxygen Tutor LMS with my existing theme?

Oxygen Tutor LMS is a WordPress LMS plugin that works with any modern theme without any issues of site breakage.

Where can I find Oxygen Tutor LMS user guides and documentation?

For a detailed guideline on how to build a Learning Management system using our WordPress LMS plugin, refer to our user documentation on the Themeum site.

Where can I report a bug?

If you found any bugs or issues, please let us know by posting on the support section of this plugin on WordPress plugin directory or directly on our
support forums: https://www.themeum.com/support/ 🙂

Is this plugin free?

This WordPress course plugin has two versions. One is free and another is paid. The paid version of the WordPress LMS plugin has more advanced features which are not accessible in this free version. Click here to get the paid version.

Where can I get support?

You can get support by posting your issues on the support section of this plugin on WordPress plugins directory or directly place your question to Themeum Forums.

Is Oxygen Tutor LMS device friendly WordPress LMS plugin?

If you’re using a responsive theme, then Oxygen Tutor LMS will look great across all devices.

Can I use any plugins with Oxygen Tutor LMS?

Oxygen Tutor LMS enables you to use any third party plugins without facing any compatibility issues. You can integrate and use the WordPress LMS plugin easily in your existing site without any trouble.


27. Juna 2022. 1 reply
Non si riesce a capire se è possibile cambiare il template della pagina “profile”, e non si può cambiare la pagina “courses”, il che rende il tutto un po’ disorodinato.
6. Jula 2021.
Working good in 3.8 oxygen version, but profile tutor page doesn't working, but going good.
4. Septembra 2020.
I was super excited to find an LMS that integrated with Oxygen, but I'm currently building a course and keep running into issues. Thank goodness Oxygen lets you put in custom code and CSS or it would be unusable. There are all sorts of aspects that are not available in the editor. You can't change the color of borders in the Dashboard or the lessons, you can't change the color of the registration button, you can't change the background color of the lesson sidebar, etc. etc. I have a giant CSS file that I've had to use just to make it work. Plus there are a bunch of things missing, like random titles that you can't change (like in the Assignments, you can change all except the “Attachments” title???) Another very strange decision is that they have different templates for Lessons, Quizzes, and Assignments, but they all include the Course lesson sidebar. There's no way to edit it globally, so you have to re-do all of your styles in all of them and manually copy over all your style settings in order to get the sidebar to look the same for all of the Lessons, Quizzes, etc. It works well but they really need to add a lot more settings. And on a minor note, there are things misspelled everywhere. Still, I'm very happy that I can use Tutor LMS with Oxygen, so I'm happy that I purchased the Pro version.
3. Septembra 2020.
When shopping around for an LMS for a couple of sites I was working on, I wasn't expecting to find an LMS that natively supported the awesome Oxygen builder. Lo and behold, it's literally the only builder under “integrations” in the Tutor LMS documentation. Everything works the way it says it does. I was able to use the sidebar under “Add Filter on Course Archive” in Developer documentation and customize it further to work exactly how I'd like it and then insert that in Oxygen as well. Using “pre_get_posts,” you can filter the repeater element as you see fit. There are a couple of issues such as the Author and Ratings elements not working in the repeater after the first query result but you can just use Code Blocks with PHP from the “Add Filter on Course Archive” sidebar in documentation to add these elements. It would be nice if there could be a fix for this in a future version. But even with the quirks, I'm just so happy that you guys are supporting Oxygen like this! Thank you, thank you, thank you Tutor LMS team!
Read all 5 reviews

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Zapis promijena

2.0.3 – 17 April, 2023

Fix: Resolved style control issue
Fix: Resolved warning issue on the course details page
Fix: Addressed some CSS issues to enhance the visual presentation
Fix: Resolved translation issue

2.0.2 – 04 January, 2023

  • Update: The Front-site Dashboard Template is now compatible to latest Tutor LMS
  • Update: The Course Details page Template is now compatible to latest Tutor LMS
  • Update: The Course Archive Page Template is now compatible to latest Tutor LMS
  • Update: The Lesson Page Template is now compatible to latest Tutor LMS
  • Fix: The Course Preview mode was not working
  • Fix: Forgot Password was not working
  • Fix: In some cases the Start Learning option was returning Error Message
  • Fix: A PHP Warning was appearing on the Course Archive page

2.0.1 – 05 July, 2022

  • New: 16 addon blocks (ungrouped) are introduced to make own design of the Single Course page
  • New: Some new Style Controls were introduced for the Single Course page

2.0.0 – 07 June, 2022

  • Update: Some new style controls were added for the Single Course page
  • Update: Some new style controls were added for the Course List page
  • Update: Some new style controls were added for the Lesson page
  • Update: Some new style controls were added for the Quiz page
  • Update: Some new style controls were added for the Assignment page
  • Fix: The design of Course List page was broken
  • Fix: The style controls of the Course List page were not working
  • Fix: Filter was not working in the Course List page
  • Fix: The style controls of the Course List page were not working
  • Fix: The design of Single Course page was broken
  • Fix: The style controls of Single Course page were not working
  • Fix: The Quiz page was not working
  • Fix: The style controls of the Quiz page were not working
  • Fix: The Assignment page was not working
  • Fix: The style controls of the Assignment page were not working
  • Fix: The design of Lesson page was broken
  • Fix: The style controls of the Lesson page were not working
  • Fix: Duplicate header and footer was being shown on all Tutor pages
  • Fix: The design of Dashboard page was broken
  • Fix: The Student Registration page was not working
  • Fix: The style controls of the Student Registration page were not working
  • Fix: The Instructor Registration page was not working
  • Fix: The style controls of the Instructor Registration page were not working

1.0.4 – 24 February, 2022

  • New: Introducing full compatibility with WordPress 5.9
  • Fix: Courses were not showing up in the “Archive Courses” element
  • Fix: Course Lists were not showing up in the “Courses List” element
  • Fix: Forgot password link was not working properly

1.0.3 – 16 June, 2021

  • Fix – Dashboard not working issue
  • Fix – Dashboard sub pages link not working issue

1.0.2 – 02 April, 2020

  • Fix – Frontend course builder issue
  • Fix – Dashboard retrieve-password issue

1.0.1 – 27 February, 2020

  • New: Dashboard headers added in shortcode/oxygen dashboard template
  • Fix: Dashboard page load and logout issue by Shortcode
  • Fix: Active links with page in the dashboard for shortcode/oxygen

1.0.0 – 10 February, 2020

  • Initial Release