

Ovaj dodatak je zatvoren od 7. Marta 2024. i nije dostupan za preuzimanje. Razlog: Sigurnosna stavka.


8. Jula 2020.
There are several reports inside the support forum, that this plugin is breaking multiple post slugs by changing them all to the same one, when working in bulk mode in the wordpress backend. Ranking losses are the consequence. I've reported this issue myself 5 months ago, absolutely nothing happened since then, the support doesn't care. I cannot recommend to use this plugin on any live site, you will continuously live in danger that it will break your whole site. Better search for an alternative.
6. Marta 2022. 1 reply
Does not work with WPML! the plug-in makes a lot of redirects which causes pages to break when using WPML. The support does not respond, and I don't know what to do since ive been using this plug-in for all of my products.
13. Marta 2020.
This is the only custom permalinks plugin that actually works for all taxonomies and post types, including WooCommerce and custom types. Just remember to regenerate permalinks on the relevant posts/taxonomy list page in the admin area (NOT the general WP Settings > Permalinks page). Excellent work! Thank you.
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