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Photection – Easy image protection for WordPress


Photection is a plugin to help you prevent image theft by disabling right click on images on your site, without an impact on site usability (right clicks on everything else will still work!).

When an user right-clicks on your image, a small (customizable) message will appear telling him that the image is copyrighted.

Please keep in mind, that no plugin will ever make your images 100% secure.
There will always be advanced techniques to steal your images, no matter what you do or which plugin you use. Here is an article about image protection online, you can read that to learn more.

That said – there is no reason why you should make it easy to save your images, and this plugin is designed to do just that.

This plugin requires at least PHP 5.3.29

Slike ekrana

  • An example photography portfolio
  • When user right-clicks on an image – a customizable message appears.
  • Available settings in version 1.0.0


This plugin requires at least PHP 5.3.29

  1. Upload Photection plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to “Settings -> Photection” to change the protection message
  4. That's it!


18. Januara 2018.
It works so fine, no crash, no errors. And so simple. Should be on your “usefull plug-in list” always.
12. Oktobra 2016.
Works like described and you can add a custom message that shows up when someone tries to right click on image
Read all 3 reviews

Saradnici i programeri

“Photection – Easy image protection for WordPress” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Zapis promijena


  • Initial Release