Manage links attached to a post through a metabox, and setup how they are displayed in your posts… With a link favicon.
- Nice GUI
- Options page
- Default link title and image based on its url (ajaxed)
- Sort links by names or a custom order
- Powered by the WP core bookmark functions
- actions and filters hooks for developpers
Contributors are listed here
For feature request and bug reports, please use the forums.
If you are a plugin developer, we would like to hear from you. Any contribution would be very welcome.
- Upload the plugin to your blog and Activate it.
- How can I get only the links attached to a post ?
Use the function Post_Bookmarks::get_post_links($post_id,$args).
If you want to display those links use the function Post_Bookmarks::get_link_list($post_id,$args).The two parameters are optionals.
$args should be an array of parameters – the same you would set when using the native get_bookmarks() function. Example :<?php $args = array('category'=>12); Post_Bookmarks::get_link_list(null,$args); ?>
- How can I get only the links NOT attached to a post ?
Use the the native function get_bookmarks() with the ‘post_bkmarks_exclude’ parameter. Example :
<?php get_bookmarks( array('post_bkmarks_exclude'=>true) ); ?>
- How can I style a link based on its domain, using CSS ?
Use the data-cp-link-domain attribute, for example :
li.post-bkmarks[data-cp-link-domain='wikipedia.org'] .post-bkmarks-favicon { background-image: url('https://wikipedia.org/static/favicon/wikipedia.ico'); }
- How can I change the way links are displayed ?
Use the filter post_bkmarks_single_link_html (located in the function Post_Bookmarks::get_link_html()), for example :
<?php function custom_output_single_link($output,$link){ return $output; } add_filter('post_bkmarks_single_link_html','custom_output_single_link',10,2); ?>
Nema recenzija za ovaj dodatak.
Saradnici i programeri
“Post Bookmarks” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
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Pregledajte kôd, pogledajte SVN spremišteili se pretplatite na dnevnik razvoja od RSS.
Zapis promijena
- cleaned and updated doc.
- Fixed ajax actions
- links IDs order is now saved (only) with ajax each time links are reordered, and is a standalone PHP action
- Fixed ajax actions
- Updated Font Awesome
- debug_log() function
- better way of saving links / handling bulk actions
- some code improvements + renamed some functions & filters
- improved filter_bookmarks_for_post: removed the ‘include’ arg which was incompatible with ‘category’, ‘category_name’, and ‘exclude’ bookmarks parameters.
- improved Post_Bookmarks::get_tab_links.
- improved row actions
- colorize the checkbox if the URL of the link is attached to the post
- remove ‘hide_from_bookmarks’ option (see FAQ)
- fix protocol bug
- fix url field not hiding when quick editing a link
- bulk actions
- Renamed plugin from ‘Custom Post Links’ to ‘Post Bookmarks’
- Upgrade routine for ‘Custom Post Links’ plugin
- Improved class Post_Bookmarks_List_Table
- ‘Quick Edit’ mode
- Link categories column
- Better way of saving existing / new links
- improved javascript (& includes URI.js)
- ‘hide_from_bookmarks’ option
- Filters on the ‘get_bookmarks’ hook to include / exclude our links
- cleaner code for blank row link + links tabe actions
- try to guess the link name from remote page title or domain (ajaxed)
- URL as first column
- better way to load JS
- Better output styling
- Favicons : Option to automatically load URL pictures from Google API
- New filter ‘post_bkmarks_get_for_post_pre’
- New function ::get_blank_link()
- minor
- ignore targets (eg. ’_blank’) if a link is a local link
- backend : use ‘_blank’ target for URLs in the links table
- implemented links targets
- Importer and admin notice for links from the original Custom Post Links plugin (metas ‘_post_bkmarks’).
- new function Post_Bookmarks::save_link()
- Improved function ‘post_bkmarks_get_existing_link_id’
- new function ‘post_bkmarks_get_metas’
- Do not use the same post meta key than than the original Custom Post Links plugin.
- custom sorting
- options page
- set the link domain as class in the link output
- display entries in metabox using class Post_Bookmarks_List_Table (extends WP_List_Table)
- store / read entries from the Link Manager plugin (Worpress core) instead of metas
- wrapped in a class, better code structure
- use fontAwesome css, deleted drag_handle.png
- various other improvements
- Forked from Custom Post Links by Jonathan Daggerhart.