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Murphsy.com Product Feed Silver


Want a FREE Product Feed containing your Woocommerce products? Want to use it for Google Shopping? Look no further! Woocommerce Product Feed Silver is completely free, both for commercial and non-commercial use. Forever.

We're using a simple loop through your products to generate a xml-file (RSS 2.0 spec) containing your products. All required fields for Google Merchant Center are included. Google feed specifications have all been implemented.


  • Set shipping costs & country via your feed
  • Hourly, twice per day or daily update intervals
  • Toggle GTIN on or off
  • Works for new, used & refurbished products
  • Manually pick the correct Google Product Category
  • Automatically adds Product Type

Slike ekrana

  • Create a XML Product Feed for Google Shopping
  • Use the settings to get the output you need
  • What goes where?


Installation steps

  1. Download and install plugin
  2. Activate plugin
  3. Visit plugin settings page
  4. Check all default settings & change settings where needed
  5. Select an update interval
  6. Check if ‘Create XML-file’ reports ‘success’
  7. If not successful, use the ‘build the XML manually’ button (only use this once!)


Q: With which shopping plugin is Murphsy.com Product Feed Silver usable?

A: We have developed the plugin for use with Woocommerce. We have tested it only on Woocommerce.

Q: Will this work with other shopping plugins?

A: Probably not.

Q: My feed isn't updating according to the interval, what's wrong?

A: Product Feed Silver uses WP_cron to schedule the update of your product feed. WP_cron only triggers if someone visits your website. So if you aren't receiving enough visitors the product feed might not update when expected.


25. Novembra 2016.
Very useable but some Errors in German Google Listig. Multi-Feed as a Wish would be awaited.
3. Septembra 2016.
Setting up is easy. The only problem is: the feed doesn't work. You need to change <product></product> to <item></item> in the feed and manually upload it to the merchant center. If this is changed, possibly a 5 star plugin.
3. Septembra 2016.
Disclaimer: I build this plugin! But I build it with a purpose in mind; getting my small webshop into Google Shopping next to the big boys. Although the plugin currently only supports one Google Shopping Category for the whole feed, that's enough for my 1-product-type shop. It took me quite a while to get the feed just right. Google only accepts very specific feeds. But now it's working like a charm, and my products shop up for any related search. Very handy and boosting my traffic and sales a lot.
Read all 4 reviews

Saradnici i programeri

“Murphsy.com Product Feed Silver” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Zapis promijena


  • Cleaned up the user interface a bit
  • Added some input checks and feedback in the admin panel
  • Fixed a critical bug limiting max. products to 10 (thanks to our lovely users for bug reports!)


  • Getting the plugin into the wordpress.org plugin directory
  • Slike ekrana
  • Logo


  • Basic functionality live.