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Restrict Taxonomies


Based on the Restrict Categories plugin, this plugin allows you to restrict the taxonomies terms that users or roles can use when they publish content. It also provide front end restriction for non logged users.

ToDo List

  1. Prevent the user from accessing the single view of a CPT that is in a disallowed taxonomy

Slike ekrana

  • The settings are located in Settings > Restrict Taxonomies
  • First choose the post types and the taxonomies to handle
  • Select the categories allowed for a role or a user (note that user options override role options)
  • Should the plugin restrict taxonomies in the front end ?


  1. Upload the restrict-taxonomies folder to to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Aktivirajte plugin koristeći WordPressov meni ‘Plugini’
  3. Configure the plugin in Settings > Restrict Taxonomies
  4. Choose the taxonomies AND the corresponding post types
  5. Activate (or don't, as you wish) the front end rescrictions


Does this plugin also works for page taxonomies ?
Yes, the page post type will always be handled, therefore, it doesn't appear in the post types and taxonomies settings

Installation Instructions
  1. Upload the restrict-taxonomies folder to to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Aktivirajte plugin koristeći WordPressov meni ‘Plugini’
  3. Configure the plugin in Settings > Restrict Taxonomies
  4. Choose the taxonomies AND the corresponding post types
  5. Activate (or don't, as you wish) the front end rescrictions


4. Maja 2018.
This plugin seemed to be just what I needed. After messing around with too complicated membership plugins, this one is exactly right for my purposes. However, after installation my new settings were not saved. Then I read a workaround from anothe ruser: “you need first to click on “Reset config”. after that, plugin work as expected”. This worked. But then I found that the plugin didn't behave as I expected. When I restrict a product to a certain user based on a product tag, it becomes the only visble product on the main shop page. That is good. But when I go to the category of that product, suddenly all products appear again. So they're hidden on the main shop page, but are still visible on the category shop page. I fooled around with the settings, but I couldn't get this right.
5. Februara 2018.
Some php warning in log and plugin have no effect : when you click to “save settings” button, form was reseted and nothing was saved. EDIT : The bug occur only on fresh install. To correct it, you need first to click on “Reset config”. after that, plugin work as expected
Read all 11 reviews

Saradnici i programeri

“Restrict Taxonomies” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Zapis promijena


  • Fixed a bug introduced in 1.3.2 (Thanks to @r-a-y)


  • Fixed a bug that occurred when saving settings on a nth user page


  • Refactored the user tab in order to handle large amount of users


  • Fixed warnings on the plugin activation thanks to Gavin
  • Fixed bug when only a empty taxonomy is allowed


  • Added support for the latest vession of Geodirectory
  • Fixed a bug that occurs when multiples CPT and taxonomies are on a same page
  • Code clean up


  • Added Dokan Dashboard support
  • Changed front hook to pre_get_posts instead of init


  • Fixed warnings for frontend options


  • Fixed warnings for frontend options


  • Fixed warnings reported by @swinggraphics


  • Added page taxonomies support


  • Added front end restrictions and settings


  • Prvo izdanje