Ovaj dodatak nije testiran s najnovija 3 glavna izdanja WordPress-a. Možda se više ne održava ili se ne podržava i može imati problema sa kompatibilnošću kada se koristi sa novijim verzijama WordPress-a.

Simple Social – Sharing Widgets & Icons Updated


This plugin adds a set of cool icons and widgets at the end of your post for your readers to share. Widgets are Twitter, Facebook and Google +1. It supports large icons and small icons.

This plugin is copy of “simple-social-sharing-widgets-icons”, because it's not updated;

Slike ekrana

  • Large set of widgets & icons
  • Small set of widgets & icons
  • Settings Page


  1. Upload simple-social-sharing-widgets-icons-updated folder to your WP plugin folder /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. The path must look like this: /wp-content/plugins/simple-social-sharing-widgets-icons-updated/
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress admin
  4. You are ready, check the widgets and icons after your posts.
  5. To make changes, go to Settings, Simple Social Icons.

Thanks for installing!


Nema recenzija za ovaj dodatak.

Saradnici i programeri

“Simple Social – Sharing Widgets & Icons Updated” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
