Oznaka dodatka: administration
Minimum Password Strength
(7 ukupno ocjena)Enforce a specific password strength. Uses the same strength calculations as the WordPress password strength meter
WP Install Profiles
(9 ukupno ocjena)Download custom collections of plugins automatically from the WordPress plugin directory.
Woo Default Attributes
(6 ukupno ocjena)Define default attributes to be automatically added in WooCommerce new product page.
Lock Pages
(2 ukupno ocjena)Lock Pages prevents specified pages (or all pages), posts, or custom post types from having their slug, parent, status or password edited, or from bei …
Quotmarks Replacer
(3 ukupno ocjena)Quotmarks Replacer disables wptexturize function that keeps all quotation marks and suspension points in half-width form.
CMS Dashboard
(1 ukupno ocjena)Improve the usability of your Wordpress CMS system. This plug-in creates a dashboard widget with clearly labeled large buttons of the most common task …
Easy Maintenance Mode
(1 ukupno ocjena)Let's people know that your site is temporarily under maintenance and will back shortly.
Widget Wrangler
(11 ukupno ocjena)A plugin for managing the display of widgets on a page by page basis. Using widgets as a post type.
Nofollow Case by Case
(2 ukupno ocjena)"Dofollow" but Nofollow Case by Case allows you to selectively apply nofollow to your comments as well.
LatePoint Manager
(2 ukupno ocjena)LatePoint Manager is a new role for LatePoint – Appointment Booking & Reservation plugin. You can contronl pending Appointment Booking list and ma …
WooCommerce Sales MIS Report
(6 ukupno ocjena)Woocommerce Sales Report plugin shows you all key sales information in one main Dashboard in very easy to understand format which gives a quick overvi …
Server Monitor
(5 ukupno ocjena)Adds three simple widgets to your WordPress Dashboard displaying fundamental info about your server and installation.
WordPress Google Analytics Reports
(0 ukupno ocjena)This plugin helps the users brings Google Analytics reports overview using Google Analytics Data API to your blog dashboard.
(1 ukupno ocjena)HideMeIn is a WordPress Plugin that hides you from other users’ eyes. Once installed and activated no one will see you in administrators’ dashboard, n …
Admin Menus Fixed
(3 ukupno ocjena)Ozh' Admin Drop Down Menu + WordPress Toolbar & Admin Menu Fixed to the Top and Side of the Admin Screens. Less Scrolling!
Widget Saver
(5 ukupno ocjena)Saves the current widget layout and allows the layout to be restored at a later date.
WorldPay Hosted Payment Gateway
(3 ukupno ocjena)Custom worldpay payment gateway for your woocommerce based site.