Oznaka dodatka: google fonts
Options for Block Themes
(4 ukupno ocjena)Import / Export global styles, templates and template parts to Full Site Editing / Block Themes without a child theme!
Web Font Display
(1 ukupno ocjena)Webfont display plugin help you to resolve pagespeed insights error : "Ensure text remains visible during webfont load".
Fonts Manager | Custom Fonts
(0 ukupno ocjena)This plugin allows you to easily change WordPress website font. Just select fonts or upload custom fonts and assign fonts to elements and fonts will b …
Google Font
(5 ukupno ocjena)Google font for your website without coding, you can change font for any element you want.
Fonts Typo | Fonts Typography
(3 ukupno ocjena)By using this plugin you can change your website font family style with the google fonts.
Twentyfifteen Noto Sans JP
(0 ukupno ocjena)The font of TwentyFifteen is changed to a Japanese Gothic font.
Ultimate Google Fonts
(0 ukupno ocjena)With this Google fonts plugin you have more than awesame 90 open source fonts at your disposal! Choose and customize Google fonts directly from your W …
DSGVO Google Web Fonts GDPR
(2 ukupno ocjena)The Plugin scan yout Theme functions.php file if there any Google Font calls. If there any calls to the Google font serber, the plugin get the font ur …
Simple Gutenberg Google Fonts
(0 ukupno ocjena)Simple Google Fonts adds the posibility to change default fonts to Google fonts from within the new WordPress v5.0 editor, codename Gutenberg.
Neptune Style Element
(2 ukupno ocjena)Stable tag: 1.0 License: GPLv2 or later Customize any element with support for live preview in the Customizer.
Chrome and Safari Web Font Rendering Fix
(1 ukupno ocjena)This plugin consist simple javascript which will help your webpages to show local fonts until external fonts are being loaded in the background.
(1 ukupno ocjena)This plugin can solve the problem that Tibetan fonts are inconsistent with the font sizes on the front-end web pages when the default Latin font of Wo …
Enable Disabled Serbian Latin Google Fonts
(0 ukupno ocjena)Enable enqueuing of Google fonts disabled in Serbian language package.
BunnyFonts for Divi
(0 ukupno ocjena)Replaces Google Fonts with BunnyFonts to comply with GDPR regulations.
GF to BF
(1 ukupno ocjena)Replace Your Google Fonts with Bunny Fonts in the HTML Language of your WordPress site.
Fonts Manager – Local Hosting for Google Fonts
(0 ukupno ocjena)Fonts Manager is a WordPress plugin that enables you to host Google Fonts locally, optimizing the performance and privacy of your website.
Wyvern Toolkit
(0 ukupno ocjena)Wyvern Toolkit is a fast, reliable, and affordable professional WordPress plugin that does everything you need to create and manage an amazing website …