Oznaka dodatka: picture
First Picture as Featured Image
(1 ukupno ocjena)Set first picture as featured image in posts or pages that doesn't have a Featured image
TinyPic LT
(0 ukupno ocjena)Adds metabox TinyPic widget to upload photos or videos while writing a new post or page.
Airliners Widget
(2 ukupno ocjena)Displays an Airliners.net picture (Random, Top Of Yesterday, or specific picture by ID) using official Airliners.net script
(0 ukupno ocjena)The simple way to show what your reading on your iPhone or e-reader.
(0 ukupno ocjena)The simple way to show what your reading on your Kindle 3 Graphite or e-reader.
IS Photo Gallery
(0 ukupno ocjena)Picture gallery with Lightbox popups. Uses images from either the Wordpress Media Library or an uploaded directory of images.
WP Picture Calendar
(0 ukupno ocjena)WP Picture Calendar shows a simple image calendar of World Days whith short description on Your sidebar.
BuddyPress Photos+tags
(1 ukupno ocjena)Photo Albums for BuddyPress with friend tagging (like facebook). Includes Posts to Wire, Member Comments, and Gallery Privacy Controls.
Picture Element Responsive and Retina Images
(0 ukupno ocjena)A plugin that helps you generate a picture element for creating responsive images. Retina support is included out of the box.
Shashin permalinks
(0 ukupno ocjena)This plugin will replace all parameters for Shashin 2 plugin galleries by permalinks,
WP-Polaroid Plus
(0 ukupno ocjena)Polaroid Plus style picture gallery with Lightbox popups. Uses images from either the Wordpress Media Library or an uploaded directory of images.
(0 ukupno ocjena)This plugin gets user images from Profile Avatar service. User email addresses are sending in MD5 hashed string to this service and it returns latest …
Polkadot Palette
(0 ukupno ocjena)Polkadot Palette links uploaded pictures to the colors and categories/tags of a post including the pictures, show the pictures one by one.
Truefy Embed
(0 ukupno ocjena)Truefy Embed's proprietary AI invisible watermarking technology secures your images by allowing you to add critical details directly into the pix …
tiny.pictures Image CDN
(0 ukupno ocjena)Scales and optimizes your images using the tiny.pictures image processing service in the cloud and delivers them through worldwide CDN nodes.