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Thumbnail Slider


This Plugin will help you to easily create a Thumbnail slider manager system into your WordPress website. The Thumbnail slider System will display a List of banner images and also a part of small thumbnail image availability in wordpress. Thumbnail slider create custom post type and display all image with their custom image meta box and large image as featured image.


If you want to display a Thumbnail slider with thumbnail in to wordpress Home page or any post page then you can use this plugin as per your requirement or you can drop us a line in support forum.


Feel to free get your feedback in review section.

Slike ekrana

  • All setting are allow in slider setting section.

  • All slider display as custom post type.

  • Add New slider or Edit slider as per meta boxes.

  • Front side display slider using shortcode.

  • Expand your slider click on expand link and it will show fullscreen slider.


Upload the folder Thumbnail-slider from the zip file to “wp-content/plugins/” and activate the plugin in your admin panel or upload Thumbnail-slider.zip in the “Add new” section.

Shortcode in posts:


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“Thumbnail Slider” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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