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Tiled Gallery Carousel Without JetPack


Working on Gutenberg version of Tiled Gallery. Soon, We'll Release it. Until then, You can use this Tiled Gallery Plugin with Classi WP Editor.

There is no doubt that JetPack packed with tons of features. However, many users don't want all that monstrous codes in their blog for one or two modules. Also, You should connect your blog to wordpress.com to get the JetPack features.

I really like that Tiled Gallery with Full Screen carousel module in JetPack and don't want other modules. That's why I've made the this Tiled Gallery Carousel Without JetPack Plugin from JetPack.

Tiled Gallery with carousel will completely transform your galleries to new look and your users will love this. Tiled Gallery allows you to display image galleries in following styles, a rectangular mosaic, a square mosaic, and a circular grid.

Demo Tiled Gallery : Demo link

If you like this plugin then follow ThemePacific on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+


Download the Plugin here. Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.

Tiled Gallery and Carousel: Go to TP Tiled Gallery > settings . There you will find more options.


About Update?

This plugin will be updated whenever JetPack releases new version.


28. Januara 2021.
This is by far my favorite gallery plugin. I love what it does, and I love that I can get it without Jetpack. Really looking forward to the gutenberg version, it's going to be epic.
19. Decembra 2020.
I've been using this plugin for a while and it's been great but it hasn't been updated in a while and it's not playing nice anymore. My galleries are “warped” upon scrolling and never look good anymore unless I sit there while the gallery loads very slowly. I'm now potentially stuck having to redo all of my galleries bc I can't find another plugin that did it like this one (AKA without annoying short codes etc!). I hope the creator updates soon!
16. Decembra 2024.
Works great for community sites involving lightboxes + comments as well as personal photography sites. Has a beautiful Mosaic layout while automatically generating thumbnails to prevent scaling down. Works great on touch devices and has automatic links to each gallery item which is a treat for SEO and link sharing. Most lightboxes don't have this. Thank you for your continued support for Carousel.
5. Jula 2019.
For a long time, I was planning to get rid of JetPack because it is a huge burden for the site. I only use two modules of JetPack – the wordpress.com stats and the tiled gallery. I simply love the tiled gallery of JetPack which I did not find anywhere so far. This plug-in gave me the same feature of the JetPack Tiled Gallery and saved my life! I am giving it a 4* because it loads an extra 3 JavaScript files if you need to use the LightBox carousel, which is pretty bad for the site speed. I'll increase my ratings to 5* if this improves in the future. Right now I've disabled the carousel and searching for a lightweight plugin to use with it. Thanks for developing the great plugin! Keep maintaining it, please!!
4. Aprila 2019.
I agree entirely with the premise of this plugin – Jetpack is too bulky and adds bloat to your website. This plugin does add a CSS file and 2 JS files, but somehow manages to only do it if you're using the gallery on a page. I'm using it, for example, with Advanced Custom fields and while I call the shortcode, that is in my theme…yet the proper CSS and JS files are loaded so the plugin just works, but not loaded on all of the other pages. So, in short, great plugin. It gets 4 stars because it adds a menu item in WordPress which is unnecessary and against WordPress best practices. See https://codex.wordpress.org/Adding_Administration_Menus#Determining_Location_for_New_Menus It is rare that a plugin would require the creation of a top-level menu. If the plugin introduces an entirely new concept or feature to WordPress, and needs many screens to do it, then that plugin may warrant a new top-level menu. This just adds clutter on the backend, but otherwise this plugin is written really well.
2. Aprila 2019.
I tried this plugin on WordPress 5.1.1. In my tests, it fails to properly display some tiled galleries, and it doesn't show slideshow galleries at all. added to that there have been no updates issued in over a year, and response times on the support forum are exceptionally slow (months). I really wanted this plugin to work so I could get rid of the bloated Jetpack plugin, but unfortunately this plugin does not make the grade.
Read all 55 reviews

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Zapis promijena


  • Supports Upto 5.4


  • New Settings Page added with more options


  • PHP 7 compatability issue fixed.
  • json issue fixed
  • New Settings Page added with more options


  • Compatible with latest version of the WordPress. Will Be Actively Maintained


  • version not updated


  • Tested upto 4.0


  • Fatal error: Class ‘Jetpack_Options’ not found Fixed

  • image_resize depreciated fixed


  • Tested upto 3.9


*Initial Release