Ovaj dodatak je zatvoren od 18. Novembra 2024. i nije dostupan za preuzimanje. Ovo zatvaranje je trajno. Razlog: Zahtjev autora.
17. Jula 2019.
These are some simple no-brainer additions to the WordPress admin interface for the Oxygen Builder that will save you time and frustration while navigating between the various design elements used in the creation of sites built with Oxygen Builder. You have to think that some of these will eventually end up in the native code for Oxygen.
15. Maja 2019.
1 reply
Thanks for including my plugin Swiss Knife <3
18. Aprila 2019.
1 reply
This is a great plugin for anyone who is using Oxygen builder. It creates a toolbar with all everything you could possibly want to navigate around you admin area easily and quickly. Has so many options to customize too.
If you use Oxygen builder, this is a must have plugin
Saradnici i programeri
“Toolbar Extras for Oxygen Builder – Power Up Your Admin Bar” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
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