

Ovaj dodatak je zatvoren od 14. Oktobra 2024. i nije dostupan za preuzimanje. Razlog: Sigurnosna stavka.


2. Augusta 2022. 2 replies
Does seemingly well the job! Note to the developer(for a future update) : when I try to manually create a new dataset in a table and the primary key is already taken by another dataset, I get no error message explaining it (just the text in red “INSERT INTO…” ) and more importantly, the data typed is lost, and has to be typed again. It would be nice to have it inserted again in the form automatically in case of such an error.
22. Maja 2020.
I had to login for the first time in many years just to review the plugin. Lifesaver! Keep up the good work!
2. Aprila 2019.
Thank you for creating this. Another must have in my plugin dev workflow.
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