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UK Food Hygiene Rating


Use a shortcode to display the uk food standards hygiene rating for the current business (current post's title) or you can pass the business name within the short code.

This plugin calls and uses the UK food hygiene rating data API, see: http://ratings.food.gov.uk/open-data/en-GB

Slike ekrana

  • Plugin adds the standard hygiene rating banner plus text, all configurable via settings page


Install plugin via the usual plugin method

Activate the UK Food Hygiene Rating plugin

Include the [food] shortcode in your post and plugin will use the post's title as business name to look up

Or use [food business=”the business name”]

Configure the plugin via the plugin's Settings admin page


11. Marta 2024.
The plugin was a great start to what I needed although I ended up having to edit the code to make it work for all of my needs, there are three pubs with the same name near my location and the Plugin would not give me the correct pub just based on the pub name so I modified the code to add an extra variable to the short code of [address], so now I can use the shortcode to lookup the establishment name and address if the title of a blog post is insufficient. If I get time I may make a few more changes and release the updated Plugin myself.
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Saradnici i programeri

“UK Food Hygiene Rating” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Zapis promijena

1.0.0 initial release