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WaiterAid Booking


WaiterAid Booking is for the restaurant owners who use the WaiterAid booking system. You can display a customizable button on your website which allows your visitors to place a reservation at your restaurant using the WaiterAid booking application.


  • Easy Styling – You can customize the button's text, font, color, border, shadow and positioning using the plugin settings interface.
  • Floating button option to display the button on all pages at any position you choose.
  • Custom Shortcode to display the button anywhere on your website.
  • Custom Block that allows horizontal alignment of the button.
  • Shortcut for the Classic Editor to add the button easily to your content.
  • Includes a WordPress Widget to display the button on the sidebars of your theme.

Slike ekrana

  • General settings of the button
  • Color settings of the button
  • Border settings of the button
  • Shadow settings of the button
  • Advanced settings of the button
  • Classic Editor shortcut to add the shortcode
  • Custom block for Block Editor
  • Custom block settings
  • Sidebar Widget
  • Button display on the website
  • Button clicked


Ovaj dodatak omogućava 1 blok.

  • WaiterAid Booking Button


  • Installation option 1: Find and install this plugin in the Plugins -> Add new section of your wp-admin by making a search using the keyword waiteraid
  • Installation option 2: Download the zip file, then upload the plugin via the wp-admin in the Plugins -> Add new section. Or unzip the archive and upload the folder to the plugins directory /wp-content/plugins/ via ftp
  • Press Activate when you have installed the plugin via dashboard or press Activate in the in the Plugins list
  • Go to WaiterAid Booking section that will appear in your main menu on the left
  • Customize the style of your button and select a display mode along with its positioning.
  • Click Save
  • Add the button to your content using the [waiteraid_booking_button] shortcode, WaiterAid Booking Button block or the sidebar widget if you have set the Button Type to Standard.




Nema recenzija za ovaj dodatak.

Saradnici i programeri

“WaiterAid Booking” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Zapis promijena


  • Initial release


  • Bug fixed in shortcode.