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WooCommerce Advanced Newsletter(WAN)


WooCommerce Advanced Newsletter(WAN) allows you to quickly and easily integrate your Mailchimp or MailerLite with WooCommerce
It will subscribe customers to a your selected MailChimp or MailerLite list depends upon order creation or order completion.


  • Can integrate MailChimp with WooCommerce.
  • Can integrate MailerLite with WooCommerce.
  • Can select a list ,on which you want to subscribe customers.
  • Can Subscribe customers to MailChimp / MailerLite after order creation
  • Can Subscribe customers to MailChimp / MailerLite after order completion.
  • Can display an opt-in checkbox on the checkout page.
  • Can Control whether or not the opt-in checkbox is checked or unchecked by default.
  • Can Control the placement of the opt-in checkbox on the checkout page (under billing info or order info).

Arbitrary section 1

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  • Backend display.


  • Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ folder of your WordPress installation.
  • Activate the plugin.
  • You will see an one integration tab under setting of WooCommerce.
  • Click on it to set the options.
    Enjoy it……


  1. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Integration
  2. First, enable the plugin and set your newsletter type & API key for MailChimp/MailerLite and hit save.
  3. Select whether you want customers to be subscribed to your MailChimp / MailerLite list after order creation or order completion (there's a difference in WooCommerce).
  4. Next, select your MailChimp / MailerLite list and hit save.
  5. That's it, now customers who purchase products from your WooCommerce store will automatically be subscribed to the selected list in MailChimp / MailerLite!


A question that will be asked by users


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Saradnici i programeri

“WooCommerce Advanced Newsletter(WAN)” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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=Version 1.0.0=

  • Initial Release