Ovaj dodatak nije testiran s najnovija 3 glavna izdanja WordPress-a. Možda se više ne održava ili se ne podržava i može imati problema sa kompatibilnošću kada se koristi sa novijim verzijama WordPress-a.

WP InfusionSoft


WP Infusionsoft is a plugin for handling web forms created by the popular email marketing site InfusionSoft.

Configuring and Using the Plugin

  1. In the WordPress Admin Panel, under the settings tab click WP Infusionsoft
  2. Enter your forms information in the Create A New Form section
    Form Name – similar to a post slug, is not visible to users, must be unique – for identification purposes only
    Form Title – Shows up above the form and is visible to site visitors
    Submit Button Text – The text that shows up on top of the forms submit button
    Hidden Code – When you create a web form in Infusionsoft, the code contains three lines of hidden input fields.
    For example:

    It is important you paste all three lines of hidden input fields in this field or your form will not work.
    Add Name, Add Phone, Add Address – Choose which input fields you want your form to show.

  3. Click Create Form

Showing Your Form in Pages and Posts

After creating a form, you form will show up in the Manage Forms area. Copy your forms “Code to Show Form in Blog” (i.e. [infusion form=4] ) and paste that in your post or page to display your infusion soft web form.

WP Infusionsoft Sidebar Widget

In the widget section under Appearance you can drag the “Infusionsoft Optin” widget in to your sidebar.
In the widget options, the title is the same as Form Title in “Creating a Form” as well as the Hidden Code and Submit Button Text. Check Add Name, Add Phone, and Add Address depending on which input fields you want your infusion web form to show.

Questions, Troubleshooting, Bug Reports

Email me at admin@taylorlovett.com


  1. Upload to /wp-content/plugins
  2. Activate the plugin from your WordPress Admin Panel


None yet! Email questions to admin@taylorlovett.com


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Saradnici i programeri

“WP InfusionSoft” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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1.0.0: First version released! Bare with us while we fix initial bug reports!