Ovaj dodatak je zatvoren od 28. Oktobra 2024. i nije dostupan za preuzimanje. Razlog: Sigurnosna stavka.
11. Februara 2022.
This is one of the best Helpful plugins. I really hope it will continue to be developed and updated. Great work. Too bad. Especially there seems to be malware at the web address.
This should be checked and changed by wordpress.org. Cheers
26. Jula 2020.
Does what it says. Don't get discouraged by that 1-star review guys, this is actually a pretty nifty plugin.
Too bad you hinted premium too early — there is a potential, but the plugin needs more polish before that.
23. Aprila 2020.
4 replies
Once activated, this plugin will add an admin notice to every back-end screen asking you to upgrade to their pro version. It is not dismissible.
The developers have confirmed that this is the case too.
Although the guidelines do allow admin notices that “self-dismiss when resolved” (https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-org/detailed-plugin-guidelines/#11-plugins-should-not-hijack-the-admin-dashboard), I really don't feel this is in the spirit of those guidelines. As a result, I've uninstalled the plugin – the notice on every screen is over-bearing and unnecessary (imo).
Plugin developers need to get better at treating their users better – including those that use the free offering, as they are potential, future customers. Annoying them in this way isn't the way to get sales.
8. Oktobra 2019.
The feedback box looks great and is highly functional. Integrates seamlessly into our site. I also appreciate that the creator of the plugin responds to feedback with frequent updates.
22. Septembra 2019.
A nice, simple way to gather feedback from site visitors. Clean design, and I like how emojis can be used for user sentiment..
Saradnici i programeri
“WPHelpful” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
Doprinositelji“WPHelpful” je prijeveden na 1 dijalekt. Zahvala prevodiocima za njihov doprinos.
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