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Classic Landing Page

Classic Landing Page

  • Verzija 1.4.9
  • Last updated 28. Decembra 2024.
  • Active installations 60+
  • WordPress version 5.5
  • PHP version 5.6

Classic Landing Page theme is a best suitable theme for accountant, advertising, advisor, agency, broker, business, clean, consulting, creative, finance, insurance, marketing, modern, portfolio websites who want to establish their business online. With this amazing theme any beginner can start their online journey. The theme is ideal for agency, app, clean, company, creative, event or advertisements because of its fantastic features and compatibility with plugins. This theme surely gives users freedom to change colors or section because of the personalization option where users can easily customize things according to their taste and choice. The Classic Landing Page is a theme which is niche specific. The elegance of this theme gives superb effect to the visitor and everything is sorted with no hassle. Also, it is Retina ready and translation ready theme with the compatibility of google fonts. There is 100+ fonts present and languages so no need to worry for the foreign traffic. This Classic Landing Page theme is feature loaded like personalization options, testimonial section, Banner, Team, Call to Action Button (CTA), social media, SEO friendly and optimized codes. This multipurpose theme gives higher ranking as it is compatible with SEO and Woocommerce.

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Aktivne instalacije: 60+


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This theme is available in the following languages: English (US) i Українська.

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