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  • Verzija 1.2.2
  • Last updated 29. Novembra 2024.
  • Active installations 90+
  • WordPress version 6.1
  • PHP version 7.3

IceCubo is a block-based theme for WordPress. Fundamentally may be used as a starter theme and be built upon with block libraries or page builders. However, as a stand-alone solution, it comes with pre-built design patterns that you can utilize to make pages quickly. Basically, easily assemble most of the presentational Websites like business, corporate, portfolio, or other kinds of sites. IceCubo is fully responsive, cross-browser compatible, translation ready & SEO friendly. It is also compatible with Woocommerce, so it can serve as a base even for e-commerce sites. Though it's lightweight, still, it comes with several pre-designed styles, which enables quick switching between different color schemes.


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Aktivne instalacije: 90+


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