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Kavine Blog

Kavine Blog

  • Verzija 1.0.0
  • Last updated 16. Septembra 2024.
  • Active installations 70+
  • PHP version 5.6

Kavine Blog is one of the most popular WordPress themes by Shadow Themes. The theme has multiple features that make your site appealing. It is well suited for personal blogs, portfolios, business blogs and others. It is a lightweight theme with tons of color options and fonts. It features a unique and attractive slider, Blog/Archive Psages and social menu at the top right and the bold typography. Kavine Blog is a clean, responsive, retina ready WordPress theme with a complete focus on readability and search engine. It is a powerful WordPress blog theme with tons of features. Mainly focused for blogging, it's sole purpose if for bloggers. Kavine Blog comes packed with great customization options. All of them can be accessed using theme customizer. Kavine Blog theme comes in one, two and three column layouts.

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Aktivne instalacije: 70+


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