Ovaj dodatak nije testiran s najnovija 3 glavna izdanja WordPress-a. Možda se više ne održava ili se ne podržava i može imati problema sa kompatibilnošću kada se koristi sa novijim verzijama WordPress-a.

Age Verify


Whatever your reasons, you may need your site's visitors to confirm their age before viewing the content of your site. Age Verify does just that. It's a simple plugin that lets you specify a minimum age and add an age-gate between a potential visitor and your content, just to be safe. Enjoy!

Slike ekrana

  • The settings screen.
  • This is what your visitors see, using the default styling.


  1. Upload the ‘age-verify’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Aktivirajte plugin koristeći WordPressov meni ‘Plugini’
  3. Visit ‘Settings > Age Verify’ and adjust your configuration.


Installation Instructions
  1. Upload the ‘age-verify’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Aktivirajte plugin koristeći WordPressov meni ‘Plugini’
  3. Visit ‘Settings > Age Verify’ and adjust your configuration.


23. Juna 2019.
Had to stop using it once my site got more busy since PHP based age gate isn't compatible with cache plugins. But if you're not planning to cache, this works fine
26. Juna 2017.
Like my review on another similar plugin, because this plugin uses PHP to check cookies, it doesn't work with cached pages…such as with the W3 Total Cache plugin or WP Engine.
15. Marta 2017.
My customers see it on every visit to the page even if within the time frame the plugin is set for. Support board is never answered by anyone even though there are active topics. Plugin looks to be abandoned as it hasn't been checked for latest compatibility.
30. Januara 2017.
Works very well. Had issues in Internet Explorer, but figured them out. Does have some weird dashes it adds to the separation of the drop downs… and it kicks out an odd query field for a home page landing URL… which might not be good with SEO or Google. Doing research.
3. Septembra 2016.
The only thing that's missing for me is a couple of templates to make the form look better.
3. Septembra 2016.
I am so happy to have found this plug-in. It works on my hosted WordPress site and does everything I need it to do. I found that it reflects our page's style and works on mobile.
Read all 24 reviews

Saradnici i programeri

“Age Verify” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Age Verify” je prijeveden na 7 dijalekata. Zahvala prevodiocima za njihov doprinos.

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Zapis promijena


  • New: French and Italian translations
  • Tweak: Use strings for the textdomain and change to ‘age-verify’


  • Fix: cookie duration now uses the corresponding setting


  • Fix: Prevent add/remove_query_arg XSS vulnerability


  • Fixes a bug that failed to load translations properly. Props to @Nukleo!
  • Added the French translation. Props to @Nukleo!


  • Fixes a bug that displayed the minimum age incorrectly in some cases
  • Fixes some PHP warnings on activation


  • Major code refactor
  • Add W3 Total Cache compatibility
  • Add WordPress 4.0 compatibility
  • Documentation cleanup


  • Added WordPress 3.8 compatibility
  • Fixed a bit of text domain loading
  • Added additional actions for further extensibility
  • Adjusted some default modal styling


  • Fixed a double slash when enqueueing the stylesheet
  • Added some missing text domains
  • Fixed a PHP warning


  • Added Remember Me checkbox to all input types
  • Escaped all strings for proper security


  • Fixed the loading of language files


  • Cleaned up folders filenames


  • Added ability to age-restrict only specific content
  • Security enhancements (nonces!)
  • Squashed some PHP warnings


  • Fixed support for PHP 5.2 and greater


  • Just getting started…