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Bg RuTube Embed


Plugin allowed to embed RuTube videos in WordPress. Just specify the uuid of the playlist or video in the shortcode. You can also specify a list of uuid separated by commas.

[rutube id="{uuid}" title="" description="" sort="" perpage="" limit="" mode="" ]
  • iduuid of the video or playlist, or list of videos uuid separated by commas;
  • title – playlist title (for list of uuid only);
  • description – playlist description (for list of uuid only);
  • sort="on"– sort playlist by ABC (default: sort="" – don't sort);
  • perpage – number of items per page (default: empty – use plugin's settings);
  • limit – playlist size limit (default: empty – use plugin's settings);
  • mode – mode of start video on page load:
  • "preview" – preview image,
  • "load" – load video into the frame,
  • "play" – load video into the frame and play,
  • '' (empty) – use plugin's settings (by default);
  • start – time in seconds when the video starts.

To embed a single video or playlist, just enter its URL (https://rutube.ru/video/{uuid}/ or https://rutube.ru/plst/{uuid}/) оn a separate line.

Optional parameter \?t={time} in the video URL is time in seconds when the video starts.

You can choose mode of start video on page load in settings and shortcode.

То paginate playlist сhoose number of items per page in the settings or shortcode. 0 (zero) – don't paginate (by default).

If the playlist size is very large, you can limit it with “Max playlist size” option in the settings or shortcode. 0 (zero) – not limited (by default).


GNU General Public License v2

Slike ekrana

  • Playlist embedded on the post page.
  • Info about the video on the archive/tag/category page (Enabled “Video only on post pages” option).
  • Plugin settings screen.


  1. Upload ‘bg-rutube’ directory to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.


Ask me. I'll answer. 🙂


30. Jula 2022.
Спасибо авторам данного плагина. Удалось вставить на свою страницу видео с RuTube. Правда только через шорткод. Через URL – чёрный экран плеера.
Read all 2 reviews

Saradnici i programeri

“Bg RuTube Embed” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Bg RuTube Embed” je prijeveden na 3 dijalekta. Zahvala prevodiocima za njihov doprinos.

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Zapis promijena


  • New shortcode parameter start – time in seconds when the video starts.


  • New plugin option and shortcode parameter: mode of start video on page load.


  • Fixed SVN loading bug.


  • New plugin option and shortcode parameter: playlist size limit.


  • Performance has been improved.


  • Pagination video in playlists.


  • Fixed: don't work Next and Previous buttons on the start.


  • Minor fixes.


  • Fixed small bug.


  • Only the thumbnail is loaded when the page is opened, and the video starts loading only after pressing the “Play” button.


  • Some improvements. Tested for WP 6.0


  • You can just the URL on its own line to embed playlist.


  • Fixed small bugs.


  • Added the ability to localize the plugin.
  • You can just the URL on its own line to embed single video.
  • Fixed some bugs and mistakes.


  • Added the ability to embed a RuTube playlist or create a playlist from several videos.


  • Starting version