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Clear Widget


Outputs a clearing <div>. You may configure the CSS class and height and disable inline style output. Useful when you want to ensure that a widget clears its predecessor where the predecessor's contents are dynamic.

Simply activate the plugin and visit Appearance > Widgets to use. You may choose to disable the inline style output (if your CSS already has a clear rule). You may also specify height and the CSS class of the clear block. If not specified, the defaults are used:

  • Height: 0
  • Class: ‘clear’

Example output (default):

<div class="clear" style="clear:both; height:0; visibility: hidden"></div>

Slike ekrana

  • Widget Settings


  1. Upload clear-widget to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Visit Appearance > Widgets


None yet.


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Saradnici i programeri

“Clear Widget” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Zapis promijena


  • Updated __construct() to Groovy_ClearWidget() to allow for PHP4
  • Created a full widgets_init hook function instead of using create_function()


Initial state