Cookie Script helps you to comply with European Cookie Law and GDPR. Make your own cookie information popup, no programming skills required. You can even use it for free.
(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ https://cookie-script.com/
This plugin helps to insert Cookie-Script.com code inside your WordPress website in an easy, user-friendly way, without the need to edit template files.
How to use this plugin:
- Register account on CookieScript
- Create a banner for your website
- Copy your banner code and insert it in the field above
- All done, your website will now show the cookie banner
If needed, you can adjust your banner settings in your CookieScript dashboard.
You can also check our detailed instructions with video guide.
To block third-party cookies you might still have to make these changes:
How to block third-party cookies
Saradnici i programeri
“Cookie-Script.com” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
Doprinositelji“Cookie-Script.com” je prijeveden na 2 dijalekta. Zahvala prevodiocima za njihov doprinos.
Prevedi “Cookie-Script.com” na vaš jezik.
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Zapis promijena
1.1.4 – Tested on a WordPress 6.6.2 version. Works as intended.
1.1.3 – Tested on a WordPress 6.5.5 version. Works as intended.
1.1.2 – Tested on a WordPress 6.5.4 version. Works as intended.
1.1.1 – Tested on a WordPress 6.5.4 version. Works as intended.
1.0.4 – Tested on a WordPress 6.5.2 version. Works as intended.
1.0.3 – Tested on a WordPress 6.5.2 version. Works as intended.
1.0.2 – Tested on a WordPress 6.5.2 version. Works as intended.
1.0.1 – Tested on a WordPress 6.5.2 version. Works as intended.
1.0 – Tested on a WordPress 6.5.2 version. Works as intended.
0.7 – Tested on a WordPress 6.2 version. Works as intended.
0.6 – Tested on a WordPress 6.1 version. Works as intended.
0.5 – Tested on a WordPress 5.8 version. Works as intended.
0.4 – Tested on a WordPress 5.7 version. Works as intended.
0.3 – Tested on a WordPress 5.6 version. Works as intended.
0.2 – Tested on a WordPress 5.0 version. Works as intended.
0.1 – Initial release