Dolipress connects the forms created with Gravity Forms to Dolibarr API in an easy, intuitive and fast way, providing an integrated solution between the two platforms. Just select the form, associate the fields of the form to the Dolibarr fields and that's it. Each time the form is sent, the data will be securely transmitted to Dolibarr. In this way you can manage better the relationship with the user and the traceability of relations with it.
- Data coupling function
- Data transmission function via HTTPS
- Error monitoring function
- Error clearing function
- Latest news retrieval function from the official telegram channel
Slike ekrana
Can I use the plugin to connect multiple forms to Dolibarr?
No, the multiple forms interfacing will be a feature implemented in future releases of the plugin.
Can I send the contents of the checkboxes to Dolibarr?
No, this feature will be released in the next release.
Can I transmit to Dolibarr the contacts acquired in a different category than “third parties”?
Yes. Just adjust the plugin settings. For more details, we invite you to read what has been published on [GitHub] (https://github.com/ViralAgency/Dolipress/issues/ “Open Issues”).
What about the Checkboxes ?
The values contained in the checkboxes, due to the versatility of the values they can contain, cannot be uniquely attributed to a field present in Dolibarr. However, we are working on adding this functionality to the plugin.
Is Dolipress compatible with privacy laws?
Dolipress is absolutely compatible with current privacy laws. Dolipress does not create further backups of user data, but only transmit them in a secure and encrypted way, acting as a “link” between Gravity Forms and Dolibarr. However, it is possible that your documentation relating to the management of users’ personal data will need to be updated following the installation of Dolipress. We invite you to refer to the laws of your country.
Saradnici i programeri
“DoliPress” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
Doprinositelji“DoliPress” je prijeveden na 1 dijalekt. Zahvala prevodiocima za njihov doprinos.
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Zapis promijena
- Plugin first stable version