Ovaj dodatak nije testiran s najnovija 3 glavna izdanja WordPress-a. Možda se više ne održava ili se ne podržava i može imati problema sa kompatibilnošću kada se koristi sa novijim verzijama WordPress-a.

Exit Intent


Exit Intent Plugin

Exit Intent by ActiveConvert helps you capture abandoning visitors before they leave your site using exit intent technology. Reduce bounce rates and increase time on site. It works on desktop and mobile and integrates with Zapier, MailChimp, Constant Contact, Campaign Monitor, Webhooks, and others.

Exit Intent by ActiveConvert

Our Exit Intent WordPress plugin is part of the ActiveConvert platform. You must have an ActiveConvert account in order to take advantage of this plugin. We offer a 14-Day Free Trial and low cost monthly subscriptions. Click here to create your account.

Exit Intent comes with a simple to use form builder that allows you to create beautiful optins based on our set of templates. You can create different types of popup forms including modal, full screen overlay, slide ins, welcome bars, hello bars, and footers.


  • Exit Intent Popups for capturing exiting visitors
  • Easy integration with any WordPress theme
  • Quickly grow your email newsletter list

  • Asynchronous loading that won't affect page load speed

  • Multiple unique templates to choose from

  • Zapier integration so post new leads to tons of other services

  • Email integration with MailChimp, Constant Contact, and Campaign Monitor
  • 100% mobile optimized.
  • Customize templates to make your popup look amazing
  • Full control of popup content
  • Custom popup and overlay timing
  • Scroll trigger popups
  • Export email subscribers in a .csv file
  • Easily add Facebook, Google+, and Twitter Sharing

  • Outbound Drip Email Sequences right from Gmail

  • Multiple Domain Support

  • Custom background images and logos

  • Page level targeting

Exit Intent Triggers

Trigger the popup when a user moves their mouse to the top of the page as they are leaving your site. This is one of the most unobtrusive and effective ways to gather leads.

Collect Email Template

Building your email subscriber list is one of the most important aspects of building your brand and increasing sales. Our exit intent overlays and popups engage the user as they are about to leave your site. You can also trigger the popup after a few seconds.

Call To Action Template

Use this Call to Action template to direct users to a specific page or offer when they are about to leave the site. Great to attract attention as a visitor is abandoning the site.

Yes/No Template

Similar to the Call To Action template but with 2 options. Great for rhetorical questions like “Do you Like Bouncing Users? Yes, I do. No, I like new leads”

Social Sharing Template

Increase Facebook Likes, Facebook Shares, Tweets, and Google +1's with our social sharing template. This popup can quickly increase your social user brands.

Display Coupon Template

Offer visitors coupons as they are about to leave your site from specific pages to increase sales and conversions.

Feedback Template

Gather real-time unbiased feedback from users of your site. Ask survey questions and gain valuable insight into your business.

Easily customize design

Each template is completely customizable. Quickly change wording, fonts, colors, logos and background images to match the rest of your website.

Automated Marketing Email Sequences

Trigger a series of outbound marketing emails when a visitor subscribes. Turn leads into customers with customizable email marketing.

A/B testing your Pop Ups

You can create multiple popup campaigns to test the effectiveness of different images, text, and messages. Track impressions and conversions to see which perform the best.

Do marketing like a pro with beautiful pop-ups, slide-ins and email opt-ins for WordPress.


Our email list builder, social sharing, and call to action templates help WordPress users build their audiences online.

Slike ekrana

  • This is an example exit intent popup
  • These are screenshots of member pages
  • This is a screenshot of the online form designer
  • This is a screenshot of email sequences
  • Example popup


  1. Upload folder exit-intent.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Click ‘Get My API Key’ button in the Plugin Settings
  4. Register for a new account.
  5. Copy your API Key into your Plugin Settings.


Does this plugin slow down my site?

Not at all. This plugin loads asynchronously so it won't slow down your site at all.


11. Novembra 2019.
The plugin requires you to sign up for payment before you can use any part of it. The plugin advertises it's open source nature, yet the only part of it which is open source is the small client-side component of the system they use to make you pay to use the plugin. Code relevant to advertised functionality is not included at all.
17. Jula 2017. 2 replies
These kind of extensions should be banned from the WP directory unless they clearly state what their business model is on the extension page : a) it collects your email to get an “API key” b) it runs a 14 days trial, or you only get the free (extremely limited) version of it. The payed plans are totally overpriced. I hate when Devs try to hide their agenda. Be bold about your business model, don't try to hide it.
15. Juna 2017.
The overlay was very easy to configure and with optin emails sent right from my gmail, it's super powerful.
Read all 4 reviews

Saradnici i programeri

“Exit Intent” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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  • Initial Version