Flush OPcache
- add a button in admin bar to flush OPcache
- flush only files in WordPress absolute path
- individual or bulk file invalidation
- support both memory and file caching
- support multisite
OPcache Statistics
- memory, hits, strings and keys statistics
- directives, functions and general informations
- list all files
- fully responsive
WP CLI ready
- add flush-opcache command to flush cache with cli:
wp flush-opcache flush
- don't forget to add
to your PHP configuration
There are three tabs in admin page:
- General settings: plugin settings
- Statistics: responsive dashboard about OPcache statistics
- Cached files: list of cached files with the possibility of invalidating them
Slike ekrana
As usual…
Saradnici i programeri
“WP OPcache” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
Doprinositelji“WP OPcache” je prijeveden na 8 dijalekata. Zahvala prevodiocima za njihov doprinos.
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Pregledajte kôd, pogledajte SVN spremišteili se pretplatite na dnevnik razvoja od RSS.
Zapis promijena
- Add CLI support
- Fix a bug on clearing cache after upgrade
- Flush files even when WP use its own directory
- Use WordPress 6.0 as default
- Use php8.0 as default
- Fix a bug on datetime in cached file list
- Fix a bug with ABSPATH when WordPress uses its own directory
- Tested up to WordPress 5.8
- Remove i18n (use translate.wordpress.org)
- Use wp_opcache_invalidate instead of opcache_invalidate
- Enhance README.txt
- Remove old screenshots
- Invalidate files only in WordPress absolute path
- Use tabs instead of pages in admin area
- New tab with cached files list
- Tested up to WordPress 5.7.1
Full changelog here