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Frontend Dashboard Templates



This is an Add-on plugin of Frontend Dashboard, So please install Frontend Dashboard to use this plugin

Frontend Dashboard template will have customised layouts with logo, varieties colors for layouts, extendable by widget and layouts.

Website Logo

Add website logo to show in the custom profile layout with customizable height and width.

Extended Colors

The colors layout for body, left sidebar content, widget and panel background can be easily customizable.

Mobile Responsive

These templates are mobile responsive and easily navigable.


The right sidebar widget area can be used to show the variety of widgets in template

Frontend Dashboard Plugins List


For more video : Frontend Dashboard

For more video : Frontend Dashboard

Slike ekrana


  1. Upload the “frontend-dashboard-templates” directory to the plugins directory.
  2. Go to the plugins setting page and activate “Frontend Dashboard Templates”
  3. Go to Frontend Dashboard | Frontend Dashboard | User Profile layout | Settings
  4. Add Logo and change the template form Template model
  5. Do save.


How to hide admin menu bar in Frontend Dashboard

The Admin menu bar can be hidden in Frontend Dashboard based on the user roles.
1. Go to Admin Dashboard | Frontend Dashboard | Frontend Dashboard | User Profile Layout | Hide Admin Menu Bar
2. Select the necessary user roles to hide the WordPress admin menu bar, including Administrator and Unregistered users
3. Do save.
4. Now the Admin menu bar will be hidden for the selected user roles.


8. Jula 2022.
Hi, To create a new website, WordPress front-end templates are very beneficial. It reduces your workload and makes your website appear highly professional. Most websites I've seen have strong Page Authority and Domain Authority, but their layouts aren't particularly appealing. WordPress themes provide you with a pleasant experience and feature that loads websites extremely fast. Thanks Abid Qureshi
Read all 3 reviews

Saradnici i programeri

“Frontend Dashboard Templates” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Frontend Dashboard Templates” je prijeveden na 1 dijalekt. Zahvala prevodiocima za njihov doprinos.

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Zapis promijena

1.8 [18-Aug-2020]

  • Bug fixes

1.7.11 [11-July-2020]

  • Bug fixes

1.7.8 [20-May-2020]

  • Bug fixes : Login and Register only template not working as expected.

1.7.4 [21-11-2019]

  • Bug: Unnecessary body background color update – Thanks to Vik for reporting

1.7.3 [3-11-2019]

  • Bug fixes

1.7.1 [28-10-2019]

  • Bug fixes

1.6.8 [20-06-2019]

  • Bug fixed: Supports multi-level menu from Frontend Dashboard.

1.6.7 [18-04-2019]

  • Bug fixed: Checkbox label with HTML content support

1.6.6 [18-03-2019]

  • Bug fixed: Left menu responsive

1.6.5 [08-03-2019]

  • Dashboard left side column full width.

v1.6.4 [03-Oct-2018]

  • Bug fixes

v1.6.3 [23-May-2018]

  • Updated: Enable or disable Admin bar based on the User Role

v1.6.1 [29-January-2018]

  • Bug fixes for multiple user in single page on Shortcode.

v1.6 [16-January-2018]

  • Improved layouts.
  • Added post into the user profile page tab.

v1.5 [16-January-2018]

  • New : Now admin bar can be disable/enable in in Frontend Dashboard | Frontend Dashboard | User Profile Layout | Settings | Hide Admin Menu Bar
  • Bug fixed: Background color default to green.
  • Bug fixed: Auto height too 100% removed.

v1.4 [26-December-2017]

  • Bug fixed : Dashboard layout not loading properly.

v1.3 [09-December-2017]

  • Bug fixed.

v1.2 [06-December-2017]

  • Bug fixed.

v1.1 [25-September-2017]

  • Styling bug fixed

v1.0 [24-September-2017]

  • Public release