Kirki is a customizer toolkit for WordPress. An open-source initiative by Themeum for WordPress theme developers.
Kirki allows you to build themes quicker & more easily. With over 30 custom controls ranging from simple sliders to complex typography controls with Google Fonts integration and features like automatic CSS & postMessage script generation, Kirki makes theme development a breeze.
Features ✅
- Increased Performance
- Simplified API
- Automatic CSS Generation
- Automatic postMessage Generation
- Partial Refresh
- Conditional Logic
- GDPR Compliance
- Improved Page Speed
- And more!
Controls 🎛️
- Background Customizer Control
- Code Customizer Control
- Checkbox Customizer Control
- Color Customizer Control
- Color Palette Customizer Control
- Dashicons Customizer Control
- Date Customizer Control
- Dimension Customizer Control
- Dimensions Customizer Control
- Dropdown Pages Customizer Control
- Editor Customizer Control
- Generic Customizer Control
- Image Customizer Control
- Link Customizer Control
- Multiple Checkbox Customizer Control
- Multicolor Customizer Control
- Number Customizer Control
- Radio Customizer Control
- Radio Buttonset Customizer Control
- Radio Image Customizer Control
- Repeater Customizer Control
- Select Customizer Control
- Slider Customizer Control
- Sortable Customizer Control
- Switch Customizer Control
- Text Customizer Control
- Textarea Customizer Control
- Toggle Customizer Control
- Typography Customizer Control
- Upload Customizer Control
- Margin & Padding Controls
- Headlines & Dividers
- Responsive Controls
- Input Slider
- Tabs
Documentation 📖
You can find detailed documentation on how to use Kirki on https://www.themeum.com/kirki/
Simply install as a normal WordPress plugin and activate.
If you want to integrate Kirki in your theme or plugin, please read the instructions on our documentation site.
Saradnici i programeri
“Kirki Customizer Framework” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
Doprinositelji“Kirki Customizer Framework” je prijeveden na 23 dijalekta. Zahvala prevodiocima za njihov doprinos.
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