Create admin text notes for any post, page or custom post type.
How To Use
- Go to Settings -> Notely, choose which post types to enable for and any other options.
- Hit the Save Settings button.
- You will now see a Notes metabox when you create or edit.
Official website and support
- Notely support
- More options with Notely Pro
- More awesome plugins
- Project Management built on WordPress
Install, activate, done.
Does it support HTML notes?
No. Notes are strictly in text format. HTML is automatically stripped from notes when saved.
How do I uninstall?
Deactivate the plugin, delete if desired. Deactivating does not delete existing notes from the database, so if you reactivate the plug-in later all your notes will be restored.
Is there a Pro version?
Yes. Notely Pro has more features.
Saradnici i programeri
“Notely” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
Doprinositelji“Notely” je prijeveden na 3 dijalekta. Zahvala prevodiocima za njihov doprinos.
Prevedi “Notely” na vaš jezik.
Zainteresirani za razvoj?
Pregledajte kôd, pogledajte SVN spremišteili se pretplatite na dnevnik razvoja od RSS.
Zapis promijena
- Moved admin column notes into position after the author column.
- General maintenance.
- Fixed PHP warnings.
- Fixed error due to missing remote JSON file.
- New setting: Default notes box position
- New setting: Font style
- New setting: Notes box height
- New setting: Notes box text size
- Language file updates.
- Fixed PHP warnings.
- New setting: Choose which post types to enable for.
- Minor presentation tweak.
- Tested on WordPress 5.0.3.
- Sidebar promoting my other WordPress tools.
- Tested on WordPress 5.0.2.
- Added translation support
- Minor presentation tweaks.
- Strip tags from notes.
- Output JS into admin_head to reduce HTTP requests.
- Tested on WP 4.9.4.
- Notes now show in admin columns.
- Option to make notes in admin columns always visible or show only when button is toggled.
- Option to change the note icon colour displayed in admin columns.
- Removed invalid (incomplete) callback function that was throwing an error
- Notes on Woo Commerce products
- Tidied up code
- Updated readme
- Added notes to pages