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Taxonomy TinyMCE


This plugin replaces a taxonomy term description textarea with the buildin TinyMCE WYSIWYG.

Do you want to help? https://github.com/jmslbam/Taxonomy-TinyMCE/



  • This plugin needs at least WordPress 3.3 to work as it uses the new wp_editor call introduced in WP 3.3.
  • This plugin is a inspired by CategoryTinyMCE and WooDojo.


  1. Upload Taxonomy-TinyMCE folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or install via Plugin screen within WordPress.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to your custom taxonomy edit pages and start to write!


9. Oktobra 2018.
I used this one once upon a time and thought i give it a try although it hasnt been updated since 3 years. I did not test security issues with it, but it still just works (do not use it together with Yoast SEO, it adds its own editor there) 1 Star minus for not maintainig 1 Plus for making long lasting software 😉
7. Februara 2017.
I'm using this plugin for 2 years now and it never breaks. The plugin works with categories, tags and custom taxonomies, including media support!
Read all 5 reviews

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“Taxonomy TinyMCE” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Zapis promijena

2014.11.04 – version 2.0
* Used WooDojo's code, because mine was broken and I didn't want to have a broken plugin in the repo. So thanks WooThemes, visit them on http://www.woothemes.com/woodojo/.

2012.02.20 – version 1.0
* Migrated from Category TinyMCE to Taxonomy TinyMCE