Ovaj dodatak nije testiran s najnovija 3 glavna izdanja WordPress-a. Možda se više ne održava ili se ne podržava i može imati problema sa kompatibilnošću kada se koristi sa novijim verzijama WordPress-a.

Terms Dictionary


With this plugin you can create a simple dictionary to your site.

Slike ekrana

  • Terms of dictionary


  1. Install this plugin
  2. Add shortcode to your page ([terms-dictionary])
  3. Add terms to dictionary

Shortcode params:
– show_search (true|false) – Show search form, default – true
– terms_per_page (number) – Terms per page, default – number posts from settings

Exapmle: [terms-dictionary show_search=”true” terms_per_page=”6”]

  1. Add new terms


● New terms are added in a special type of post “Dictionary”.
● The plugin has shortcode [terms-dictionary], add it to your page.
● The letters to the terms are automatically determined.


29. Aprila 2023.
Hey! a Dictionary plug-in that works out of the box, plus you don't _have_ to use those dang blocks. I am also happy that basic WordPress items are not paywalled, like the featured image. I tried another plug-in and everything was paywalled, like basic WP stuff. I was also pleasantly surprised with the search function. I am trying to do more of a translation dictionary, so I was worried about the title (the English word) being to dominate over the Comanche word, but the search will look into the body of the post to search the Comanche words too. It looks like I can post audio clips in too without any paywall lock. This saved me the time of having to make a custom post type. Thank you. I think I have a winner for Dictionary plug-ins. 🙂
29. Maja 2021.
It's a very useful plugin and looks good. Also, the developer is helpful.
19. Novembra 2020. 1 reply
Great work, thanks to the author! The plugin is easy to configure and works perfectly out of the box. It is a pity, of course, that it was not updated more than a year ago, but this does not prevent it from working correctly even in November 2020. Thank you so much for developing it!
13. Maja 2019. 1 reply
Вроде бы простой и легкий, работает за счет произвольных постов, но… 1) нет ссылки на быстрый просмотр из админпанели. 2) нет настройки url для главной рубрики и терминов 3) вообще не работает на 5.1.1
Read all 4 reviews

Saradnici i programeri

“Terms Dictionary” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Terms Dictionary” je prijeveden na 1 dijalekt. Zahvala prevodiocima za njihov doprinos.

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Zapis promijena

1.0 Release
1.1 Completely rewritten code, adding shortcode, adding automatic selection of letters.
1.2 Adding thumbnail for terms, adding pagination.
1.3 Autocreate page with shortcode, minimalizatian code, adding link “all letters” and ect
1.4 Adding shortcode params: show_search, terms_per_page;, rewrite code, remove autocreate page, fix links when use simple permalinks
1.4.1 Fix php notice after added terms without title, removed 404 view links from wp admin
1.5 Adding tags for terms, little stylish, small corrections
1.5.1 Fix alphabetical order